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Lockout Lockheed: Melbourne students take direct action against university contract with Lockheed

Student activists blockade a door at the University of Melbourne

Andrew Metheven, War Resisters' International 

On 11th July students at the University of Melbourne took direct action to protest the universities collaboration with Lockheed Martin, the world's biggest arms company. The University has recently partnered with Lockheed on the STELaR laboratory.

In protest at the collaboration, students from the DisarmUnis and Lockout Lockheed groups locked-on to concrete barrels surrounding the universities administrative building. When staff attempted to make use of another building, students blockaded that one too. The campaign is demanding the university ends all ties with Lockheed Martin, and to reveal all of it's agreements with the company. Following the action, representatives from the university agreed to meet with the students to discuss their concerns.


Indigenous military course pushing would-be recruits to their limits

Warrant Officer Watego had been in the Army for 40 years, and was an Aboriginal elder from the Northern Rivers district of New South Wales.

He said the course was a wonderful reflection of the symbiotic relationship between Indigenous Australians and the nation’s military.

"It provides opportunities. There is no limit to what can be achieved in a structured environment like the defence force – it’s a continuation of learning and self-development," he said.

"You come from a community or family into a much bigger community or family."

Not all those who graduate from the course will enter the military or public service, but it offers insight into what’s required.

Those who wish to pursue the military furtherwere eligible to sit the next phase of recruitment which included an aptitude test.


Building The Perfect Kill House With Video Games

Training to kill with video games

Brian Crecente -

Armed with M4 automatic rifles, swathed in body armour and combat fatigues, the five-man US Special Forces Airborne entry team stacks up outside the entrance to the house.

An explosion sends bits of the door flying inside. The men slide through the still-smoking opening, fanning to the right and left, guns up, safeties off, fingers on triggers. The live rounds start flying almost immediately. Bullets tear through the men standing inside the house, knocking them to the ground. One round hits a terrorist in the head, a bright red plume of blood splatters against the wall.

Special Forces don’t usually play games, but for their Fort Bragg training they sometimes make an exception to that rule.

The Laser Shot Virtual Shoot House gives these specialised warriors a chance to blow in doors, fire live ammo and take out life-sized enemies, all in a real environment helped along by quite a bit of video game technology.


No place for “Noobs: Computer games and the militarization of youth culture

Computer games and the militarization of youth culture

John Martino -


Anders Breivik, videogames and the militarisation of society: article

John Martino -

The ongoing trial of Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Breivik has generated a great deal of media coverage, public debate and analysis. Much of this has focused on claims made by Breivik that he used the “military shooter” Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to prepare for his attacks.  Critics of games and gaming very quickly pounced on his assertion to claim this was evidence of a causal link between game-playing and committing acts of violence.

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