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“You Can’t Buy Paradise with Blood”

Sofia Orr was the second person to refuse military service since October 7, 2024. (Oren Ziv / +972 Magazine)

An interview with Sofia Orr - Nineteen-year-old Sofia Orr was jailed for refusing to enlist in the Israeli military. In an interview with Jacobin, she explains the disturbing authoritarianism of an Israeli society that has rallied behind the massacre in Gaza. 


Tel Aviv-Ramallah-Kigali: a peace-building journey

"Forgiving is not forgetting, but moving forward and being stronger."

Tel Aviv-Ramallah-Kigali: a peace-building journey

How Music Shields a Child’s Psyche in a Time of War

By Sandy Tolan

A few Palestinian children protect themselves from trauma and stress by playing the violin and other instruments.

RAMALLAH—The white van, carrying young musicians riding home from a concert in Bethlehem, suddenly came upon a military barrier erected hastily in the road. “halt!” commanded a sign in Arabic and Hebrew. Just beyond, an olive-clad soldier was checking documents.

”Flying checkpoint,” said Rasha Shalalda, 14, a Palestinian flutist, to her sister Alá, 10, and other fellow musicians.  They were students at a Palestinian music school, Al Kamandjati (Arabic for The Violinist).


While bombs fall on Gaza: Resisting militarism in Israel

Photo: Direct action against Gaza attack by ActiveStills

Originally posted at:

While the bombs fall on Gaza and the majority of Israeli society seems to support the continuance of the military attack on Gaza, we, as Israelis horrified by the actions of our government, find our voices lost. What can we say and do? What value might this have? How can our echoes have any impact on the situation now?


Arab youth take to Nazareth streets in anti-IDF draft rally

Protestors say inducting Christians into the Israeli military would split Arab society.

Groups opposed to the drafting of Christian Arab youth into the Israel Defense Forces, including the youth wing of the Hadash party, staged a protest rally in Nazareth on Saturday in which male and female teens marched into Spring Square in the center of town dressed in military attire and carrying toy rifles.

Read more...Haaretz

Photo by Limor Adri


Quotes from WRI's Countering the Militarisation of Youth conference: Recruitment, and The military in public and private space


The way that I ended up joining the military was that when I was a senior in high school I intended to go to college but I didn't have any way to pay for it...I talked to an army recruiter [about an army scholarship] and he made it sound really good...Any time between signing the contract and going to basic training, you can change your mind and there won't be any consequences. Of course, the recruiters won't tell you that – they'll threaten legal consequences etc... - Kelly Dougherty, USA

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