Quotes from WRI's Countering the Militarisation of Youth conference: Gender and sexuality
The image of masculinity...the model men that go to war, that compete. - Jorge Veléz, Colombia
The Ministry of Women, for example, was created in 2006 and since then one of the main goals that the Minister for Women has proposed is to provide two million female members to the militia. She has already set in motion a first stage where she promised 150,000... - Rafael Uzcategui, Venezuela
We do also have women in the military, but comparatively the ratio is low. – Samuel Koduh, Ghana
I remember one time a mission taking supplies to an orphanage. As a sergeant I was team-leader, and one of the soldiers in my unit said to me and my friend Elizabeth “You guys must be so proud to be able to give such a good image of women, 'cause the women here are so oppressed”. - Kelly Dougherty, USA