Warrant Officer Watego had been in the Army for 40 years, and was an Aboriginal elder from the Northern Rivers district of New South Wales.
He said the course was a wonderful reflection of the symbiotic relationship between Indigenous Australians and the nation’s military.
"It provides opportunities. There is no limit to what can be achieved in a structured environment like the defence force – it’s a continuation of learning and self-development," he said.
"You come from a community or family into a much bigger community or family."
Not all those who graduate from the course will enter the military or public service, but it offers insight into what’s required.
Those who wish to pursue the military furtherwere eligible to sit the next phase of recruitment which included an aptitude test.
As for the latest class, they endured confronting bush exercises, minimal sleep and an unexpected mud-run which Warrant Officer Watego said they handled well.
"Congratulations each and every one of you," he told them at the end of the course.
"I’m very proud, I'm very proud, mob."
Source: SBS