Establishing Policies to Restrict Military Recruiting in K-12 Schools A live online organizing workshop in three 1-hour parts
- Learn how policies have been adopted in various school districts
Restrictions have included:
- limiting recruiter visits and their movement in schools
- banning direct solicitation of contact information and
- uninvited interaction with students
- requiring equal access for counter-recruiters
- controlling military (ASVAB) testing; and more . . .
Dates: Aug. 26, Aug. 28 and Aug. 31; Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m. EDT
Each session covers a different set of topics. Reservation is required by Aug. 21
Send name, phone number and email address to
Produced by the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY),; hosted by American Friends Service Committee
NOTE: The webinars are available now as linked MP4 Files. Please take advantage of this important and informed resource.